Monday, June 4, 2007

Changing the Default Profile Provider

I confess that it had not research so much over Memberships, Roles and Profiles provider until arrived the hour to use them in a project. While installing the SQL Server database to give support to providers with the Aspnet_regsql.exe tool, it thought how the fields corresponding to each property would keep from a profile, “wishing” that it was not an only field that contains names and values for all properties. When finalizing the installation I verified that my desires did not become reality and I find a table with 3 fields, one that describes the properties (PropertyNames) and in the other two the values are stored (PropertyValuesString and PropertyValuesBinary)

This way to store the profiles reduces the flexibility when needs make reports, changes in the fields or store profile fields in different tables. The essence of providers is offer a point of variation in certain parts of an application, protecting the application of the implementation of the selected provider (that is the code of the application is not sensible when selects any provider). Native Providers of framework 2.0 does not try to include an exhaustive functionality, but rather they solve the common topics that it can be need in an application and serve as reference for the development of new providers. Luckyly they exist providers for SQL Server that solves the mentioned problems.
In Sandbox are available 2 Sql Server providers:
· SqlTableProfileProvider: it allows map each property of profile with a field of an unique table.
· SqlStoredProcedureProfileProvider: it allows map each property of profile with a parameter of a Stored Procedure and within this, we can map each parameter to any table. The configuration is quite simple, only requires to add the class of the profile provider in directory APP_CODE and modify the web.config so that utilize this.

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